Duke City Occupational Healthcare provides physical examinations to determine the overall health and fitness level of applicants or employees in positions where physical exertion and strength are required. We also assess the overall health of an applicant or employee. Our healthcare professionals look for possible symptoms of illnesses or chronic conditions that could prevent someone from effectively performing the responsibilities of the job.

What are some jobs that might require an employment physical?

Jobs that require exertion, strength, and other physical duties may require applicants and employees to undergo a physical exam. Some occupations that commonly require physicals include:
  • Construction Workers
  • Truck/Delivery Drivers
  • Commercial Drivers
  • Police Officers
  • Firelighters
  • Emergency Medical Technicians
  • Pilots
  • Air Traffic Controllers
  • Teachers
  • Store Clerks
  • Train Engineers

What is included in an employment physical?

An employment physical at Duke City Urgent Care is designed to assess the overall health of an applicant or employee. Healthcare professionals look for possible symptoms of illnesses or chronic conditions that could prevent someone from effectively performing the responsibilities of the job.

A typical exam includes:

  • Checking vital signs, including blood pressure, heal rate, and temperature.
  • Looking for any possible signs of heal disease.
  • Listening to the lungs for wheezing or difficulty breathing.
  • An abdomen check, to examine the live, bowels, and other organs.
  • A skin exam, to check for signs and symptoms of underlying illnesses.

Why do employers require an employment physical?

Certain companies and jobs require a physical examination to determine the overall health and fitness level of applicants or employees in positions where physical exertion and strength are required.

A company may require an employment physical forr new hires only if all candidates for the same job are also subjected to the same physical examination. Under the American Disabilities Act (ADA), employers must make ‘reasonable accommodations’ for those with disabilities to allow them to be considered for job openings.